Friday, October 9, 2009
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Warm toes and tummy

Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Can it really be 2 months since I last posted?

Thursday, June 25, 2009
After far too many expensive calls to the US and quite a few letters and emails, I finally spoke to an intelligent girl who sorted it all and withing 24 hours my refund had been processed.
Note to Expedia - employ more girls like Terrilyn, she's is awesome and almost made me rethink my vow never to use you again....almost!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Well I am doing my best to keep up on reading all the lovely blogs that sustained me through the 8 hours a day at my New York job. I was delighted to spot this post on A Cup of Jo.

While my new job keeps me busy at my desk every day or out taking photos like this and this I do get to spend some time on the water and then pigtails (or braids!) really are the only option for my wayward locks. I'm tapping away at the moment with the hair still in damp pigtails!

All images by me, River Tummel, Perthshire, Scotland 12.06.09
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Sunday, May 3, 2009
New Chapter
I used to work up here so it is good to be back amongst friends and I'm looking forward to a summer of sunshine & sunburn, BBQs & beers, and going to work in shorts and flips flops...sweet!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Slap on the wrist

Blosson on the damson tree, Kilgrammie Cottage, Sunday 19th April
Friday, March 27, 2009
Baja Beginnings

That evening we had another night drive, meaning we would be like sardines, snuggled on the flat sleeping platforms, snoring the miles away. Before we 'miracled' (turning the bus from day to night mode) we had a few hours in San Iganacio. I got slightly snap happy at the Mission and enjoyed meandering the quiet streets.

Our first beach camp lay ahead down the 5 mile track. Everything was packed onto the shuttle and then we set off to hike down to 'Playa Escondida', our home for the next four nights. This place was my kind of heaven, (well apart from the outhouse!). You could be as lazy or as active as you wanted, and with the exception of doing an hour of yoga each day, I was terrifically lazy. Thankfully not everyone was, so we ate freshly caught fish everyday. After our fantastic meals each evening that would be impressive if prepared in a regular kitchen, we would sit round the campfire, telling stories, laughing while rather too many beers were drunk and a bottle of tequila was passed round.

The second evening was Mardi Gras and also Margerita Night. The blender could be heard until the wee hours while we danced in the sand.
I watched the sunrise over the sea of Cortez on our fourth morning before starting to pack up my belongings. By early afternoon we were all back up the hill with our belongings waiting to board Pluto again, and getting rather excited at the prospect of a shower once we arrived in La Paz. It was only a week since we had first boarded Pluto back in San Francisco but it felt like a lifetime.
All images from my collection
Friday, March 20, 2009
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Back in Scotland...
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Rocky Mountain High
Saturday, February 14, 2009
The End
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
"the best yet"
Our Leavers’ Dinner last Thursday evening went superbly. Last night we went over the finances and much to my delight all my sums were correct and we had made just over $450 in profit which we have donated to the newly set-up scholarship fund for the progamme. The feedback from all the interns and staff that attended is positive, I was particularly happy to hear that it was deemed “the best one yet”! I may have drunk a little more than I should have, a one or two tears may have been shed but I got myself out of bed the next morning and was one of just a handful that managed a full day’s work on Friday. I’m not sure what that says about British drinking habits!
The lovely, lovely, lovely Chris R and I on the reception table.

This is the best shot of the downstairs area where we had the champagne reception and it really just shows an untidy bar but the room looked so pretty and we had a great view out across the water to the Statue of Liberty.

There were lots of laughs

And the tacky awards went down a treat!

With G, PV and Stevie (who G rather aptly described as looking like a 3rd division football manager!)

All images by Ben Sayaseng
Thursday, February 5, 2009
The final week countdown has begun

Despite feeling rather pants and have a very croaky voice, I'm looking forward to the evening. I've been the treasurer on the committee organising it all and seeing it all come together will be great. I'm one of the hosts of the evening too, there are various speeches and a small awards section too, hopefully my voice holds out. My fabby new kelly green dress from J Crew will get its first outing this evening, whoopee!
So the final week countdown has begun....unemployment looms....eeek! I had hoped to be getting a position with in the London office of the company I've done my placement with here. I had a phone interview last week and was told "the job is yours", I was then waiting to hear back on salary etc before making my decision. Yesterday, however, I got an email saying sorry we have decided not to replace the girl that is leaving due the currently economic conditions. B*llocks! But for now I'm going to enjoy this evening and worry about jobs tomorrow.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Tagged: 25 Things
Rules:Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.(To do this, go to "write note" on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people, then click post.)
1. I believe that pineapple is the work of the devil
2. When I was little I wanted to grow up to be either a cowboy or a pirate, now I'm grown up I would still like to be either of these things (at least the romanticized movie versions!)
3. I like to listen to music while I fall asleep, this means I often wake up with my earphones wrapped around my neck, very silly.
4. I like cakes that start with 'C'; carrot; chocolate; coffee.
5. I would like to own a bulldog, she will be called Poppy (for that matter if its a boy he will be called Poppy too!)
6. I will always deeply regret the selfish comment that came out of my 9 yr old self's mouth on hearing about the death of my maternal grandmother.
7. I have a small to medium sized obsession with reading blogs.
8. I hate and love the fact that I have friends all over the world in equal measure.
9. I love my brother but secretly wish I had a sister too (other than Ana of course!)
10. I started drinking beer while living in the US - up until then I always hated the taste.
11.My new hollywood boy man crush is Josh Brolin
12.I have two tattoos - I kind of regret one, maybe in 10 years I will regret both
13. I am short -sighted in my left eye
14. I am long -sighted in my right eye
15. I want to have a garden with an amazing treehouse (this has been a dream since I was about 8)
16. I currently can't get enough of looking at images of beautiful kitchens and sitting rooms ( I think this is from living in a mountbatten apartment)
17. I worry that I will be the Bridget Jones of my friends - drinking wine alone in my pjs and singing loudly and badly to cheesie music
18. I own way too many hats and scarfs - way too many!
19. As a teenager I wrote stories constantly, now I doubt myself too much to write.
20. If I like a song I will listen to it over and over for days and then not listen to it for months (I'm not srue what this says about my personality.)
21. I secretly would love to be a burlesque performer - and obviously the figure required!
22. I've only ever used oil of ulay/olay as a moisturiser on my face, I have done so since I was 12
23. The smell of Chanel No.5 reminds me of my mother and my grandmother.
24. I used to be damn fine at pool now I don't play nearly enough so I'm rubbish.
25. I'm terrible with money and should probably have my salary paid into my mother's account and let her give me pocket money - I was good when I only had 50p a week!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Tagged: Ipod Shuffle 'Miracles' Fly My Pretties
What does your music library say about you?
1. Put Your iTunes on Shuffle.
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
3. You must write down the name of the song no matter how silly it sounds!
4. Put any comments in brackets after the song name.
5. Tag at least 5 friends
What do your friends think of you?
King Tubby's Borderline Dub - Augustus Pablo & King Tubby
If someone says, "Is this okay?" You say?
Aerials - System of a Down
How would you describe yourself?
Rhymes & Reasons - John Denver
What do you like in a guy/girl?
Cheating on you - Franz Ferdinand (I don't think I can really agree with that one!)
How do you feel today?
Rambling from the Anatoki - Salmonella Dub
What is your life's purpose?
The Trial - Pink Floyd
What is your motto?
My World - Metallica
What do you think about very often?
Boys from the County Hell - The Pogues
What is 2 + 2?
Crying Shame - Jack Johnson
What do you think of your best friend?
Oughta be in love - Dave Bobbyn (she is and sh'es moving to Oz - sniff :-( )
What do you think of the person you like?
Sick Sad Little World - Incubus
What is your life story?
Ain't my bitch - Metallica
What do you want to be when you grow up?
Nobody Knows - Bob Marley & the Wailers
What do you think of when you see the person you like?
Seed of Life - Dubwize
What will you dance to at your wedding?
Old Piano - Frou Frou
What will they play at your funeral?
Company Sin - John Butler Trio
What is your hobby/interest?
Brothers on a Hotel Bed - Death Cab for Cutie (hahahahaha)
What is your biggest fear?
No Pride - Green Day
What is your biggest secret?
What your soul sings - Massive Attack (this one is pretty true)
What do you think of your friends?
Same size feet - Stereophonics (when I want to borrow shoes!)
What will you post this as?
Miracles - Fly my pretties
I tag...whoever wants to redoscover their music!!
Friday, January 23, 2009
It's weird....

Wednesday, January 21, 2009
So what if I have to dig a hole to poo in?

Friday, January 16, 2009
"Baby it's cold outside"
At work yesterday I was gabbing away to a workmate about how in a whole year in New York I had yet to spot any celebs. Then sitting on my mat waiting for yoga class to start last night the girl along from me caught my attention, mainly because I thought her hair needed a good brush! She turned and looked at me at the moment and I realised it was one of the Olsen twins (no idea which one though). I was quite surprised to see someone famous in this donation based yoga studio in the east village - but this is New York where my friend buys fruit from the same street vendor as Kirsten Dunst!
Remember the horrid, vile paper? My horrid, vile tutor that told me my paper would fail? Well my paper passed to two fingers up to you horrid nasty Jeff - without your help I did it! Whoopee!
This week I have also ordered a tent for camping on the beach in Mexico, seen a plane land/crash on/into the Hudson, went to the Garden to watch the Knicks beat the Washington Wizards, had my exit interview with my programme office (suddenly I have The Fear about going home). All of this stuff has been keeping the cogs in my brain going strong and I feel a little odd, like I've forgotten something important but I'm too distracted to really concentrate on what. But I've not forgotten anything at least I hope not....bah!
Image taken by me on Christmas Eve
Enjoy your weekend and stay warm and cosy.