Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Rocky Mountain High
Since Friday I have been in Beaver Creek, CO. It's so so beautiful here and I've had such a great time with my cousin. Today though I'm off to San Francisco for a couple of nights before leaving on friday evening for Mexico. I'm back here in Colorado in just over 2 weeks before I fly home.

Saturday, February 14, 2009
The End
The snow is falling outside and I'm cosy in my cousin's apartment in Avon, Colorado recovering from an emotional few days. I managed to control the tears until, at the airport while Captain and I were saying our final goodbyes, we hugged and I realised he was crying behind his sunglasses. Of course this set me off. (Thanks to the lovely check-in lady who saw I was trying to control my emotions and came round and gave me a big hug.)*
Thursday night turned into a late on. After work there was drinks with the great workmates that were the only reason I put up with my DULL job and not-so-nice supervisor (who btw didn't bother to come and say goodbye to me!). Then home to try and finish my packing and back into the big smoke for final goodbye drinks with all my wonderful friends and the lovely Captain. For a change I had my sensible head on and switched to soft drinks after 3 G&Ts (finally I must be growing up haha!), it was about 3am that we finally got home and to bed, I was not a happy bunny when my alarm woke me at 7am. I was however, happy to know that the alarm won't be waking again for a good while! Yippee!
So I managed to just about squeeze everything into my suitcase and big backpack and suddenly Captain was there to drive me to airport. Typing this now I'm tearing up, thinking about saying goodbye to my friends and hugging them. I know I will see them again soon, one in fact I will be seeing at Heathrow in a month as we both wait for out connections north, but I also know that we will never all live within 2 minutes of each other again. Our little Mountbatten bubble has burst and now we have to face the real world.
I still can't quite believe that it is all over. This year (of 13 months) and living in New York is done. Now to move on, move back home, now to begin again. I've had enough practise over the last few years but somehow this time, this time it's different. Now I want to finally settle, build my own home and become a grown-up...better try and find a job then!!
Both images by me: Grand Central Station and Lady Liberty from the Staten Island Ferry
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
"the best yet"
If you are feeling vaguely teary or emotional today I would advise against reading this wonderful post by redframe today but do read it another day. It's oh so beautiful!
Our Leavers’ Dinner last Thursday evening went superbly. Last night we went over the finances and much to my delight all my sums were correct and we had made just over $450 in profit which we have donated to the newly set-up scholarship fund for the progamme. The feedback from all the interns and staff that attended is positive, I was particularly happy to hear that it was deemed “the best one yet”! I may have drunk a little more than I should have, a one or two tears may have been shed but I got myself out of bed the next morning and was one of just a handful that managed a full day’s work on Friday. I’m not sure what that says about British drinking habits!
The lovely, lovely, lovely Chris R and I on the reception table.
Our Leavers’ Dinner last Thursday evening went superbly. Last night we went over the finances and much to my delight all my sums were correct and we had made just over $450 in profit which we have donated to the newly set-up scholarship fund for the progamme. The feedback from all the interns and staff that attended is positive, I was particularly happy to hear that it was deemed “the best one yet”! I may have drunk a little more than I should have, a one or two tears may have been shed but I got myself out of bed the next morning and was one of just a handful that managed a full day’s work on Friday. I’m not sure what that says about British drinking habits!
The lovely, lovely, lovely Chris R and I on the reception table.

This is the best shot of the downstairs area where we had the champagne reception and it really just shows an untidy bar but the room looked so pretty and we had a great view out across the water to the Statue of Liberty.

There were lots of laughs

And the tacky awards went down a treat!

With G, PV and Stevie (who G rather aptly described as looking like a 3rd division football manager!)

All images by Ben Sayaseng
Thursday, February 5, 2009
The final week countdown has begun

This evening is the Leaver's Dinner for my internship programme. One week today is my last day of work and my last full day in New York, tonight we are celebrating in typical British style by, most likely getting rather drunk! Well apart from me, I'm full of the cold and I have to work tomorrow so two very good reasons not to over indulge.
Despite feeling rather pants and have a very croaky voice, I'm looking forward to the evening. I've been the treasurer on the committee organising it all and seeing it all come together will be great. I'm one of the hosts of the evening too, there are various speeches and a small awards section too, hopefully my voice holds out. My fabby new kelly green dress from J Crew will get its first outing this evening, whoopee!
So the final week countdown has begun....unemployment looms....eeek! I had hoped to be getting a position with in the London office of the company I've done my placement with here. I had a phone interview last week and was told "the job is yours", I was then waiting to hear back on salary etc before making my decision. Yesterday, however, I got an email saying sorry we have decided not to replace the girl that is leaving due the currently economic conditions. B*llocks! But for now I'm going to enjoy this evening and worry about jobs tomorrow.
Image from Flickr
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