While this chap looked on from above the fire we settled down with heaped plates around the table. We had planned to sit down to eat at around 3 but some people had been enjoying drinking and hot tubbing until the wee hours (for one until 9am!). So once everyone was up and about we finally gathered around at about 7pm.

Plates were filled with lots of yummy food, glasses were filled with some fairly acceptable wine (particularly since it was so cheap!). E is a vegetarian and she didn't want a special 'veggie option' just lots of veggies which was great for all of us! While doing the food shopping we had splashed out a bit extra on Bisto in the british section of the supermarket and it was so worth it! The american meal definitely benefited from a slight British accent. We gossiped and shared stories and decided that this American tradition ain't half bad! We are already dicussing getting together next year back in the UK and celebrating it again. It will be an excuse for a reunion because in 2 months time after over a year of living on top of one another and sharing every aspects of our lives we will be back home, starting our grown-up lives.

After we had finished I waddled my way out to the garden and enjoyed the cool air, the crunch of the snow under my feet and how warm and inviting the house looked.

Of course after eating too much and drinking a wee bit too much the best thing to do is sleep. Stu, who was one half of the brilliant turkey day meal cooking duo, was the first to slip off to bed.

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